2. English NEWS

2012年4月1日Preparations for WLDP are underway

JapanWLDP.JPGIn preparation for WLDP (WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme) to be held in Japan in October, Ms. Lydia Mutare and Ms. Ching Ching Wee-Ong from WAGGGS came to Japan and a meeting was held with the GSJ executive committee members to discuss the content of the programme. (さらに…)

2012年4月1日Becoming a Public Benefit Corporation

Following revision of Japanese law in 2008, the standards for public benefit corporations became stricter and juridical persons prior to revision, including Girl Scouts of Japan, were required to be newly certified. Consequently, GSJ applied for authorisation as a Public Interest Incorporated Assocation under the new law. Following investigation, in February the National Public Interest Corporation Commission reported to the Prime Minister that the “National Public Interest Corporation Commission approves that GSJ conforms to the standards of Public Interest Corporation Authorization,” and from April GSJ will (is expected to) start afresh as a Public Interest Incorporated Association with enhanced social appraisal.

2012年4月1日Relating to Great East Japan Earthquake

JapanSupportforvictims.jpg“On 7 January Saitama Council held a “”Charity Event for Reconstruction Support for the Areas Devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake”” in Saitama Kaikan. The event was attended by 370 members and non-members. (さらに…)

2012年4月1日Centenary Tree-Planting Ceremony

JapanCentenarytreeplanintg.jpg“A cherry tree-planting ceremony was held in Yamashita Park in Yokohama on 17 March to commemorate the centenary of USA Girl Scouts and the long friendship between Japanese and US Girl Scouts. 2012 is also the 100th anniversary since cherry trees were sent from Japan to pray for friendship between Japan and the USA, so it was decided to plant cherry trees. (さらに…)
